This guide is for application developers working to add native MPTCP support when running on macOS. Be careful that some code presented on this page is only supported on iOS: MPTCP cannot be used with URLSesssion on OSX.

Currently, on macOS, MPTCP is only supported for the client side.

MPTCP with URLSession (iOS only)

iOS offers the possibility to establish new MPTCP connections by using its URLSession API – prefixed with NS with Objective-C. The path manager’s behavior cannot be modified. However, the app developers can influence which MPTCP packet scheduler is being used by selecting a type of service linked to a connection.

To create an MPTCP connection, simply request it when creating the (NS)URLSession object:

  1. Create an (NS)URLSessionConfiguration object, typically by using the default configuration.
  2. Select the type of service amongst:

    Type of service Description
    None The default service type indicating that Multipath TCP should not be used.
    Handover A Multipath TCP service that provides seamless handover between Wi-Fi and cellular in order to preserve the connection.
    Interactive A service whereby Multipath TCP attempts to use the lowest-latency interface.
    Aggregate A service that aggregates the capacities of other Multipath options in an attempt to increase throughput and minimize latency.

    Official documentation: URLSession NSURLSession

  3. Associate the selected service type to the multipathServiceType property. The value is .<type> for URLSession, or NSURLSessionMultipathServiceType<TYPE> for NSURLSession, e.g. for the Handover type, pass .handover (URLSession) or NSURLSessionMultipathServiceTypeHandover (NSURLSession)

  4. Create the (NS)URLSession by passing in the configuration to the constructor. From now on, every request done with this session should use MPTCP, if the server supports it.

To be able to enable the Aggregate service type, it is required to add the MPTCP entitlement to the app not to have an error when picking it. For the other modes, no additional steps are required.

The (NS)URLSession API is also available on macOS, but it is not possible to set any multipathServiceType.

Examples in different languages on iOS

For more detailed examples, please see this Git repository. Do not hesitate to contribute here and there!

Example in Swift

multipathServiceType support has been added in iOS 11.0

import Foundation

var conf = URLSessionConfiguration.default
// Handover mode: Other types can be selected
conf.multipathServiceType = .handover

let session = URLSession(configuration: conf)
Example in Swift using Alamofire
import Foundation
import Alamofire

var conf = URLSessionConfiguration.default
// Handover mode: Other types can be selected
conf.multipathServiceType = .handover

let session = Session(configuration: conf)
Example in Objective-C

multipathServiceType support has been added in iOS 11.0

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

NSURLSessionConfiguration *conf = [NSURLSessionConfiguration defaultSessionConfiguration];
// Handover mode: Other types can be selected
conf.multipathServiceType = NSURLSessionMultipathServiceTypeHandover;

NSURLSession *session = [NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration:conf];

MPTCP with the Network framework

The Network framework allows to create new MPTCP connections on macOS by setting the multipathServiceType property of a NWParameters object that will be used to create the connection.

Examples using the Network framework

Below are two examples showing how to create an MPTCP socket using the Network framework. More comprehensive examples showing how to perform an HTTP GET request to can be found on this Git repository.

Example in Swift

multipathServiceType support has been added in iOS 12.0/macOS 10.14

// request to create a new TCP connection
// note that we can also choose .tls to create a TLS session above (MP)TCP
let params: NWParameters = .tcp 
// Handover mode: Other types can be selected
params.multipathServiceType = .handover

let connection = NWConnection(to: server, using: params)
Example in C

multipathServiceType support has been added in iOS 12.0/macOS 10.14

// request to create a new TCP connection with TLS enabled
nw_parameters_t params = nw_parameters_create_secure_tcp(
// Handover mode: Other types can be selected
nw_parameters_set_multipath_service(params, nw_multipath_service_handover);

nw_connection_t connection = nw_connection_create(endpoint, params);